
Posts Tagged ‘waffle’

Okay, this is more of a “duh” tip than an actual recipe.  It is, however, one that makes life a lot easier when you’re in a rush for lunch or dinner; one of those little “ah-has” that might just keep you from reaching for the takeout menu.  Just use your waffle iron, George Foreman grill-style, to make no-butter-added grilled cheese.  Or any kind of grilled sandwich for that matter.  Kids and adults love the breakfast for dinner feel of eating a sandwich with those distinctive pockets in it.  Pop (my father) was cranking out grilled turkey & smoked Beecher’s Flagship on a recent visit.  So use your imagination and play a little.


  • Don’t overstuff the sandwich, use a high temperature setting, then press down to get the full melty-gooey-waffle effect.
  • If cheese drips in the iron, leave it open to cool, then use a Qtip to pry the crusty bits free without scratching the nonstick surface.
  • Keep those boxes of tomato soup on hand (we like Imagine, Pacific, and Trader Joe’s) for instant lunch or dinner.  Just remember to read the labels–you want to recognize all of the ingredients and be sure there’s not too much sodium.
  • If you really want to push the envelope of waffle iron cooking, you gotta check out the Waffleizer.  Genius.

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